2014 Main Street: Oswald's Last 48 Hours
I've got to do something about this -- Jack Ruby ...suddenly the feeling, the emotional feeling came within me that someone owed this debt to our beloved President to save her the ordeal of coming back. I don't know why that came through my mind. -- Jack Ruby This Frankenstein of a building looks much the same as it did in 1963. Even then, this old gray-stone Greek revival style building was crudely joined to an adjacent newer annex that shares the underground parking lot where Oswald was gunned down. Originally built as the Dallas City Hall, this was the police and court headquarters in 1963, and it’s where Oswald spent his final 48 hours. Home to the city’s municipal courts today, public access is off limits to important sites including the fifth-floor jail cell where Oswald and, later, Ruby were confined, the third-floor corridors and detectives offices where Oswald underwent 12 hours of interrogation and took part in raucous press interactions, and the basement where his shocking shooting death was broadcast on live TV. |